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Beautiful, Baroque Bamberg


Bamberg is a charming town of historical significance, containing many baroque buildings, which emerged unscathed from WWII. It is the only city in Germany in which a pope is buried, along with the Holy Roman Emperor, Henry II. Also a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Bamberg contains more than 2,000 buildings listed as historical monuments.

While the day began well, it turned into quite the adventure. During our lunch, I began feeling weak, and my family noted I had become rather pale. As my condition worsened, Jon insisted on seeking medical attention; and within moments, the crew had jumped into action to assist me. The decision was made that an ambulance should be called for me, and soon Jon and I were on our way to a hospital on the outskirts of Bamberg.

A wonderful doctor, who lived for a while in the U.S. with her husband, took very good care of me. She did a number of tests, and a heart specialist even did a sonogram of my heart, to be safe. After it was determined that the only thing abnormal was my blood sodium level (an ongoing problem for me), the doctors surmised that the low sodium, combined with some congestion in my chest had drained me of energy. So within only a few hours, I was released and put into a taxi to rejoin the ship.

Our program director, Tim, expertly coordinated a plan with the captain to have us board the Aria again just outside a lock. The timing could not have been more perfect, as our taxi driver was pulling up to the lock just as the ship was exiting it. The captain had “sweet talked” the lock operator into allowing him to briefly dock the ship, just long enough to board us and join the other passengers for dinner. I cannot begin to thank the crew, the doctors, the staff, and our fellow travelers for their patience and assistance. And I’m happy to report that, though I’m not 100% just yet, I’m feeling much better, with my added salt and medications the doctor gave me.

Our view, as we walked along the river into Bamberg. As the city was almost completely saved from any bombing in WWII, most of the houses and buildings are much as they would have appeared centuries ago.

Many houses and other structures are in desperate need of repair. Among these houses—originally fisherman’s homes—note the house in the middle, how it slopes and leans into the adjoining house.

The closer houses and other buildings are to the “seat of power” in town, the more they display religious icons.

One of the original breweries in town, ‘Braurei Heller’ is one of a few places that brews “smoked beer” – a delicacy in Bavaria.

The hanging street sign for Braurei Heller – note the alchemists’ symbol for “beer” at the far edge.

The Town Hall of Bamberg is a unique structure, as it is built in the middle of the Regnitz river, with bridges on both sides, leading into the building.

The artwork on the facade was painted by local artist, Joseph Heller, who lived across the street from the Town Hall.

In the archway of the town hall is a plaque commemorating Claus Stauffenberg. If you’ve seen the movie ‘Valkyrie,’ the name ‘Stauffenberg’ might be familiar to you, as it was Tom Cruise’s character, who tried to assassinate Hitler on July 20, 1944. Here, the town honors his actions that day.

The house of local artist Joseph Heller

The plaque on the birthplace and home of Joseph Heller, honoring him as a local icon

The majestic Bamberg Cathedral, founded in 1002 by King and Emperor Heinrich II and completed in the 13th Century, has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site “Town of Bamberg” since 1993. With the tomb of Pope Clement II, it contains the only papal grave in Germany.

Inside the cathedral

The tomb of the Holy Roman Emperor, Heinrich II (Henry II) and the Empress Kunigunde. It was made by sculptor Tilman Riemanschneider from polished limestone and marble from the Franconian Jura.

The Draw Well in the Eastern crypt of the cathedral

Adjacent to the cathedral was the palatial home Pope Clement II had built near the seat of power in Bamberg.

The home of Pope Clement II showcases a beautiful rose garden.

At the edge of the rose garden is a balcony, from which Pope Clement II would have stood to view the city.

Tucked into the side of the road was a tiny Smart Car. While we occasionally see these in the States, this one was designed merely for the driver, with only one seat!

If we had to visit a hospital, at least the one in Bamberg was fairly new and beautifully constructed.

Waiting for our taxi to take us back to the ship, we enjoyed a lovely afternoon

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