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Here I Stood: Introduction


Updated: Jul 15, 2023

It has been a great blessing to be given the opportunity to travel. A graduate school professor of mine once said that we need to make things happen. From the perspective of a Christian, only God makes things happen, but Scripture indicates that we can certainly cooperate with God and not stand in the way. I give glory to Him for these travel blessings, and I certainly did not run from the opportunity. It was in 1974 that I made my first trip to Europe with high school students; and that began a series of trips from which I learned much about the history of civilizations – including those involved in Biblical events.

We now approach a quarter century of these weekly devotionals, which were the result of a suggestion made by one of our board members at Engedi Ministries. While Engedi no longer functions, I have continued to write and publish these devotional articles, with the help of Tim Cummings, who edits, prepares them with excellent illustrations, and then mails them. Without Tim’s help, I probably could not have continued this work.

It seemed good to me to share with all of you—our faithful devotional audience—some of my adventures that relate to redemptive history. Along with citing places where I have actually been and surveyed the scene, I plan to add explanatory comments. My traveling days may be over (although I have learned never to say never) but adventures can be relived in thought and pictures; thus, I want to pull together some thoughts and maybe some pictures, if I can locate them, to share with you the excitement I experienced in visiting these significant sites.

The selected locations may not be in chronological order, as I would like to begin with the Reformation. This series of devotionals is entitled Here I Stood, of course, based on what Martin Luther was said to have remarked when he appeared before the German princes at Worms in 1521. It is that very place that will be the subject of our first stop on this literary journey... next week.

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