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Here I Stood: The Mamertine Prison (Rome)


Many times I have walked past the Mamertine prison which is located at the foot of Capitol Hill in Rome, and at least on one occasion I have been in the prison, which is a dreary and dismal holding cell. Romans did not believe in long-term incarceration, rather they employed this holding cell arrangement as temporary quarters pending execution.

There is no doubt that this prison is the authentic and official one for prisoners in Rome. Tradition holds that both Peter and Paul were imprisoned here prior to their execution. There is no proof, but tradition always has some basis in reality.

What is quite interesting is to see a posted list inside the prison of political prisoners who were held there, including some of the most famous leaders of the Roman Republic. These prisoners, for the most part were held during the Roman revolution which endured for a century (133-31 BC). It is almost like seeing a list of the great generals of the civil war, generals on both sides of the controversy.

Historically, there is no proof that Peter was ever in Rome. When Paul wrote the letter to the Romans, he did not mention Peter, nor does Luke mention Peter’s being there when he records the history of the early church. His account ends with the imprisonment of Paul, but nothing is said of Peter.

Tradition holds that Peter was crucified upside down in the Neronian persecution. In which case, his demise probably occurred in the Neronian circus which today is the location of St. Peter’s basilica. As far as Paul is concerned, there is no doubt that he was in Rome and imprisoned, very likely in this very place. His execution supposedly took place outside the city, at the location of the present church of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls.

Standing in this hole in the wall of a prison at the foot of the famous Capitoline Hill, one can certainly have the sensation of stepping back in time, and the presence of famous people of history…including Paul, if not Peter also.

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