This morning, October 9, I finished the study of the actual upper room discourse, less the high priestly prayer of John 17. Jesus promised the disciples that after the Holy Spirit came, they would be guided into all the truth. But what would He hope they would carry away from the discourse to help them get through the difficult days ahead? And what would the Holy Spirit stress in their minds and hearts? What should we, as disciples of the twenty-first century carry away from this magnificent and profound session Jesus had with his eleven disciples in the upper room following that final Passover feast? I suggest six, and I post this blog at the request of a class member:
•His repetition and insertion at the end of the discourse summarizes His points and emphasizes the importance of them
1. His love for His disciples, their love for each other
2. His going to prepare a place for them
3. The works that they would perform that would be greater than His (fruit)
4. The coming of the Holy Spirit
5. Answered prayer
6. The assurance that He had overcome the world