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Welcome to My Blog!


Updated: May 14, 2022

I have a reputation for taking pictures. My mother gave me a Pony Kodak camera, and my grandmother gave me a book on how to make pictures; Soon I saved my allowance to buy am 8mm movie camera and a reel-to-reel tape recorder. I was ready to make movies with sound (that was seldom well synchronized).. I formed my company, Superior Motion Pictures, used neighborhood kids as my cast, and we were off and running. Of course, I did the usual things like documenting family and travel.

My wife Alice and I marked our 60th anniversary in June of 2020 and decided that we needed to celebrate such a milestone in a truly significant way. The past 50+ years, we have thoroughly enjoyed foreign travel, having visited largely European as well as some Asian and African about 25 times – so what better way to toast 60 years of marriage?

Our plan was to take a leisurely river cruise through the heart of Europe and actually toast our anniversary IN Europe; but as nearly all of us experienced, the pandemic decided our plans for us that year (AND the next!). Thankfully, conditions now are better, and the time of our celebration is nearly upon us. So later this month, our son and granddaughter will join us, as we cruise through the grand rivers of Europe... embarking in Amsterdam, winding our way through the cities and countryside of Germany, and arriving in glorious Vienna, Austria.

I look forward to sharing this journey with you, dear friends and family, as I will make regular posts of our activities and include photos and video for you to enjoy! There will occasionally be blogs relating to theology or my model train layout, However, the primary purpose for now is to document and share our adventures along the great rivers of Europe.

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May 29, 2022

We are so looking forward to enjoying your river cruise with you. It will be an added bonus to see pictures of Sage along the way. Cara and Dave plan to join as well. Delores &

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